Jie Ding | D
Nice to meet you here.
My name is Jie Ding. Currently, I am pursuing a Ph.D. in Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the School of Public Health, Capital Medical University.
I hope to share the good news of my successful graduation here in three years.
My research focuses on the epidemiology of cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes.
On D's webpage, there are both Chinese and English sections. The English section mainly records thoughts and reflections on academic and research life.
Wait for me just a teeny bit.
所有声音、目标、渴望、痛苦、欲念,所有善与恶合为一体,构成世界,构成事件之河,生命之音乐。你好,很高兴在这里遇到你,这个网页记录了关于生活、梦境、札记等随笔。 网页架构来自于Yani。
——赫尔曼·黑塞 《悉达多》
关于我:97年生于开封,狮子座,INFJ,致力于不断与自己的矛盾和解,挖掘更深处、更黑暗、更有力量的生命力。 喜欢看日出与日落,以及看小鱼游来游去,与这些朴素自然的动静共同呼吸。 那么,阅读愉快,就从这里开始吧。